
activities WORLDWIDE

Consulting ENGINEERS since 1963

The objective of the project is to carry out the technical assistance and the organisation and implementation of accompanying measures for the construction of 160 new drinking water supply systems (DWSS) to supply 173,000 inhabitants and for the rehabilitation of 35 DWSS servicing 40,000 inhabitants.

Within the context of financial cooperation between Morocco and Germany, KfW has approved financial contributions totalling Euro 14.4 million (DWSS I and II) and two loans of Euro 8.5 million (DWSS III) and 8.0 million (DWSS IV) to contribute up to 70% of the financing of drinking water supply programmes to rural communities in the Provinces of Taroudant and Tiznit, as well as the financing of technical assistance and the accompanying measures necessary to implement these programmes.

The Consulting Engineer provided technical assistance and carried out the accompanying measures for the drinking water supply programme for rural communities in the provinces of Taroudant (since 1999) and Tiznit (since 2002) from the start of the project in 1999.
  • Implementation of technical assistance
  • Hydrogeological surveys
  • Assistance with the selection of appropriate technologies
  • Monitoring and validation of the Preliminary Design, Detailed Preliminary Design and Tender Documents
  • Analysis and control of water quality
  • Monitoring and supervision of the works
  • Organisation of accompanying measures
  • Observation, information and awareness raising
  • Diagnosis and participatory analysis and planning
  • Procedures for contribution collection and their validation
  • Mobilising the the contribution of the beneficiaries
  • Sensitization and training campaign
  • Supervision and training of the WUA
  • Training and development of the mobile planning teams and the PAGER Unit (Taroudant/Tiznit)
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the operations and management of the DWSS/WUA

Services Provided

For the technical assistance:
  • Coordination and realisation of the DWSS studies and works, as well as solving specific problems linked to its implemention
  • Identification and confirmation of the water resources, the scheduling of the boreholes and wells, and the supervision of the drilling works
  • Analysis and control of the water quality to check the main elements regarding the potability of the water sources
  • Supervision of the DWSS studies for 114 projects in Taroudant and 21 projects in Tiznit and the preparation of the Preliminary Design/Detailed Preliminary Design and Tender documents
  • Supervision of the engineering consultants subcontracted to design, review and validate the Preliminary Design and Detailed Preliminary Design of the DWSS
  • Assistance with the supervision of the drainage and civil engineering works for 103 DWSS in Taroudant and 14 DWSS in Tiznit: 582 km, 123 reservoirs with a total volume of 3,258 m³
  • Assistance with the installation and commissioning of 104 pumping stations
  • Optimisation of water storage structures using appropriate technologies and available materials;
  • Monitoring and supervision of the construction works for the new DWSS and rehabilitation of existing water supply systems
  • Preparation of progress and post-evaluation reports
 Accompanying measures:
  • Analysis of the existing water supply situation and verification of the population’s needs
  • Information and awareness raising of the population regarding the access conditions of the project, the modes of supply, the management of water points or private connections and the resulting costs of all aspects relating to water, health, hygiene and sanitation
  • Participatory analysis and planning by applying PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) tools to establish the baseline of the DWSS for each beneficiary municipality
  • Preparation of the community to take over the administrative, financial and technical aspects of its future DWSS, consent on the cost of installing a private connection
  • Sensitization and training campaign
  • Implementation of sanitation and hygiene education programmes
  • Setting up water user associations (WUA) of the DWSS and Water Committees (WC)
  • Training of WUA members in the design and construction of connections, budgeting and fixing the price of water, meter reading, billing and monitoring of consumption and payment of water, monitoring the revenue and expenditure for the operation and maintenance of the DWSS
  • Training and further education of the teams (mobile planning team and PAGER units) in technical, economic, administrative and social aspects with respect to the drinking water user associations
  • Mobilisation of the Water User Association (WUA) staff to operate and monitor the DWSS, and to transfer the management of the DWSS to the WUA for drinking water or to the Water Committee (WC)
  • Support of the WUA with preparing and holding general assemblies, developing their budgets, resolving conflicts, maintaining and updating documents, etc.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the DWSS/WUA during operations
  • Technical assistance to the PAGER and ONEP units (Taroudant and Tiznit)
  • Training of the technical maintenance staff and creation of a response team
  • Develop a sustainability strategy for the maintenance sector: Organisation of a series of discussion workshops between key WUA persons and private companies (private WUA contracts, creation of WUA federations, etc.): validation of a model maintenance contract (WUA/Private) and a model federation statute
  • Monitoring the setting up and operations of a WUA federation in Taroudant.
  • Sustainability of the DWSS/WUA: Creation of a maintenance and repare structure in the two provinces using private service providers which should preferably have a stock of spare parts, as well as a schedule of unit prices

Facts and Figures

Construction of 160 new DWSS and rehabilitation of 35 DWSS.

Total population: 173,000 covered by new projects and 40,000 by rehabilitated DWSS