
Are you committed to providing quality and sustainable water and sanitation services to your customers? Are you responsible for defining and implementing long-term water and sanitation sector policies? Are you engaged in helping communities and countries achieve water supply security and gain access to improved sanitation facilities?

IGIP is committed to your success

We recognize the fundamental importance of modern water and sanitation services in protecting health, well-being, agriculture and ecosystems and in fuelling development and economic growth.

Our services in water and sanitation cover the full project cycle. Our in-house engineers have in depth experience of managing hundreds of water and sanitation projects from start to finish. 

We take responsibility for getting your projects implemented in a timely, cost-effective and sustainable manner.

Where and how we work

We assist our clients in finding solutions for supplying clean water to the populations of the largest cities, medium-sized towns, entire regions, and the smallest villages. We also provide comprehensive expertise for stormwater and wastewater disposal and treatment - in a safe, economically sound and environmental-friendly manner.

To ensure success and sustainability, we focus not only on planning and implementing technical details, but also on the global context of the project. We provide the economic studies, technical assistance and accompanying measures that are required by water and sanitation projects.

Each project is unique and demands a tailor-made setup and tools. Before starting project activities, we define - together with our clients - what they  expect and which processes are necessary for achieving a satisfactory and sustainable result. Our decentralised structure (see our network here) means that we remain close to our clients. Our teams, specialised among others in engineering, economy, business administration, regional planning, and social sciences... include experts from different regions, whether within the projects themselves or at our headquarters.

Through this flexible approach, we are able to implement efficiently and successfully a wide variety of projects - from highly sophisticated large-scale technology to adapted, innovative small-scale solutions, in different project environments.

Advanced approaches to complex water and sanitation projects

We have a 50-year experience in working alongside public water utilities, municipalities, international development aid agencies, private enterprises and industries to:

  • combat water scarcity
  • improve water quality
  • reconcile various demands for water use
  • build modern water supply and wastewater facilities
  • build modern sanitation facilities
  • and promote sanitation education. 

In each of our assignments, IGIP seeks to empower local communities, companies and administrations thanks to our in-house expertise in the fields of institutional development, sociology, health, economics and finance and environmental protection.

Click here to browse through a recent selection of projects we have carried out on behalf of our clients.


Water resources

  • Water resources management
  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  • Water abstraction by wells and water intakes at rivers and lakes

Water treatment and Water supply networks

  • Water treatment plants
  • Water distribution
  • Pumping stations
  • Water reservoirs
  • Water towers
  • Conveyance pipelines
  • Water supply networks
  • Water loss reduction
  • Micro-hydropower stations
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)


  • Sewage systems
  • Sewage pumping stations
  • Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants
  • Biogas treatment plants
  • Effluent reuse for irrigation
  • Sludge management and treatment
  • Sea outfalls
  • Sanitation marketing


  • Storm water drainage
  • Flood protection

Institutional Strengthening

  • Organisation
  • Tariff analysis
  • Technical audits