The municipality of Témara, located to the south of the capital of Rabat, with approx. 350,000 inhabitants (population growth approx. 5%) and an annual amount of 70.000 t per year of municipal solid waste (MSW) had to bring - due to the closure of the old dump - it’s MSW from January, 2007 on to a new central controlled landfill “Oum Azza” (distance to landfill about 14 km).
For the disposal of the MSW at that new landfill the municipality of Temara pays approx. 8 € per tonne with a continuous prize increases (2-3% per year) which is expected for the coming years. The municipality of Témara was in comparison to previous disposal practice confronted with high additional costs resulting from the longer transport distance to the new landfill and the landfilling fees to be paid at the new site. Assuming a constant development of the amount of MSW from Témara this will treble the amounts during the next 20 years.
In advance the municipality of Témara carried out feasibility studies with the result that in a location close to Témara, on the way to the landfill, a new transfer station with a connected sorting plant would be reasonable. The purpose shall be to separate valuable materials to reduce the MSW amounts going to landfill and hencelinked costs as much as possible.
Main objective of this project financed by GTZ whas the development and design of a project for an innovative sorting plant (capacity: 120,000 t / a) to produce valuables for recycling and secondary fuel for the cement industry from municipal solidly waste.
Services Provided
ICP provided management service and expertise related to all tasks of the project:
- Carrying out 2 representative waste analysis to assess the regional waste composition and the potential of such waste for matererial and energetic recycling
- Waste prognosis to estimate the future waste amounts and composition
- Cost-Benefit-Analysis and preparation of a business plan
- Detailed design and dimensioning for the waste treatment plant
- Development of authorization procedure for construction and operation of waste treatment plants in Morocco on the basis of the Témara project
- Preparation of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) study for comparable waste treatment plants in Morocco on the basis of the Témara project
- Training and information of the Moroccan ministry of environment and local authorities