
activities WORLDWIDE

Consulting ENGINEERS since 1963

The project reinforces the impact of the national policy through the implementation of PADEAR (Programme d’Appui au Développement du secteur Eau et Assainissement en milieu Rural) in the departments of Plateau, Mono, Couffo, Ouémé, Atacora and Donga. It contributes directly, with its participatory concept and its demand-side approach based on the financial participation of the applying villages, to put the national promotion strategy of the hydraulic installations and the rural environment measures into action.

It contains the correct usage of the water supply and sewage work, and the reinforcement measures in the rural water supply capacities. The activities of the project concentrate on the qualifications of the local leaders. This comprehends the assistance of the communities in the technical, administrative and financial management as well as the support in elaborating the communal development plans, and strategic sewage plans.

Global measures of the project are:
  • Deliver usable management structures of the water supply work
  • Qualify the communities in their task to master the work. Approve the demands of the retained water points through the communities for their realisation, according to the national sectorial strategy benchmarks
  • Qualify the local administrations and the decentralised services in their role within the frames of decentralisation
  • Qualify the private sector in the level of the assistance in programming and managing the water supply. Reduce the rate of breakdowns during the work on the water supply.
  • Train and assist the local ONGs in launching campaigns concerning information, education, communication as well as social intermediation.
  • Realize and promote the usage of the private non financially supported latrines in Mono, Couffo, Ouémé, Plateau, Atacora et Donga. Introduce the ECOSAN technology. Integrate hygienic aspects and those of the sewage in the water supply speeches, in order to realize a positive change in the behaviour of the communities
  • Involve the citizens in the elaboration process of the communal development plans (water and sewage section) by a participatory approach


Services Provided

Realisation of various studies:
  • Studies about the communication structure
  • Studies about the participation in the village areas
  • Studies about hydrogeology, hydraulic and ecology, sociology, etc.
  • Studies about sanitary and IEC campaigns
IEC campaign and social intermediation activities (SIA), marketing of water and sanitation:
  • Elaboration/realisation of the participatory methods of planning/animation
  • Elaboration of didactic material
  • Development of an information-education-communication (IEC) strategy and the marketing of water and sewage (work on private sanitation facilities)
  • Training of social intermediation animators in animation and participatory approach methods (SARAR and figurine sequences) and in transmitting IEC messages
  • Assistance and follow up of the SIA structures in the implementation of the IEC activities and animations
Support to build a usable water supply system:
  • Analysis of partner organisation, measures of support, training of juridical framework concerning the water points
  • Support of the population in the mobilisation of the financial contribution for the water work
  • Assistance in the choice of a management style concerning the work (control through leasing, control through the communities, etc.)
  • Reinforcements of the communal capacities to put the communal files together
  • Helping the population by creating and launching management structures concerning the water work and the sewage, as well as the water points (Water Committee)
  • Training concerning the long term management structures of the water work and the water points
Strengthening the communities and the communal structures:
  • Strengthening the community capacities to assure their tasks to master the work, in agreement with the new decentralisation law
  • Assistance of the communities in the planning of the activity supervision and the reception of the work, as well as launching the exploitation of the work
  • Training and assistance of the communities and the intercommunal structures concerning the investment programme
  • Assistance establish communal water committees to master the work
  • Assistance in transferring the decentralised communal abilities of the state through the communities
  • Assistance in elaborating 36 communal water supply GISs that provide the basic details for the water sector of the Communal Development Plan and the Yearly Investment Plans
  • Assistance in developing of Strategic Sewage Plans within 12 communities
  • Promotion of low cost latrines, showers, lost fountains, and training of bricklayers which are in knowledge of the ECOSAN technology
  • Establishment of an executive programme for the technical realisation
  • Technical realisation of the water supply and sewage works
  • Training of teachers in sanitary education
Reinforcement of the private sector:
  • Reinforcement of the private sector in the field of managing the maintenance of the water supply and the public sewage systems
  • Reinforcement of the capacities for the private sector leaders who are implicated in the programming and the management of the water supply work, on a communal level
  • Establishment of a maintenance system and the management of the spare parts
Organisational and institutional development:
  • Assistance in the organisational development and in the strategical and operational planning
  • Support-advice in the sectoral politics
  • Assistance in transferring the decentralised service abilities of the state through the communitites
  • Organisational developpement of SH and SHAB
  • Training and strengthening the administrative structures/reinforcement of the coordination capacities of the DH and the SDH, by the elaboration of the coordination tools (monitoring sheets, data bases, project documentation, …)

Facts and Figures

  • 6 departments – Mono, Couffo, Ouémé, le Plateau, Atacora and Donga
  • Targeted population : 2,3 millions